Our Partners
The key to change is developing multicultural awareness
At Mabat, we envision an Israeli society where friendships, academic and professional collaborations cross religious and ethnic lines, and where the full range of individual identities and cultural/historical narratives in Israel are respected and recognized.
Changing a shared reality
Through a combination of process workshops, community leadership initiatives, intercultural tours and joint cultural events, Mabat breaks down barriers between Israeli citizens of different religions, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations, and gives them tools to impact greater equality in their universities, workplaces and communities overall.

The sessions were very interesting and insightful. They really helped me learn more about myself and the other participants. We respected each other, there was no racism or prejudice, and we accepted the differences between ourselves. Although we spoke two different languages, we understood each other well
Diyala Shams, a Behavioral Science student at Kinneret College

Mabat Community Seminar:
Multiculturalism and Activism
We brought together an amazing group of committed community members for a three-day seminar. The aim of the seminar was to learn about social action, to plan new initiatives and to form working groups.

Positive Haifa Live:
Another Month of Digital Concerts
Following the huge success of the last round of digital concerts, which took place throughout the month of May, the Positive Team produced another concert series, which definitely lived up to expectations.

Looking Backwards:
Mabat Summery of 2020
In this annual report we will tell you about how we coped this year during the period of the Covid-19 crisis.

Shagi - a new social initiative
Shagi deals with amending social wounds in the Israeli society and creating a tolerant and open dialogue through mutual learning. This is achieved by having groups from different cultures meet, and by offsetting stigmas and prevalent stereotypes

Student deligation to Hamburg
This summer and for the first time ever – we sent a delegation of students who graduated Mabat’s programming to Hamburg and Berlin

Multicultural event at Kinneret College
As the school year came to a close, students who participated in Mabat’s programming put on a multi-cultural event for the entire student body